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The Team


Elisabetta Mereu

Group Leader

Elisabetta earned a MSc in mathematics and a PhD in genetics at the University of Cagliari (Italy). Since 2016, she works in the analysis of single-cell genomics data and their application to understand human diseases. With her group, she aims to revolutionize immunotherapies by identifying patients at high risk for relapse and tailoring their treatment accordingly through the use of digital biology and machine learning tools. 


Alessia Buratin

Postdoctoral Fellow

Alessia earned a MSc in statistics and a PhD in computational biology at the University of Padova (Italy). During her PhD, Alessia worked on the development of computational methods for RNA-seq data in leukemias. In 2024, she is one of the Carreras Leaders MSCA fellows. With her DREAM project, she focuses on Drug Repurposing methods for Enhanced immune Activation in Multiple Myeloma patients. 


Aina Rill

PhD Student

Aina obtained a MSc in Bioinformatics and BSc in Human Biology at UPF (Barcelona). Her work focuses on the analysis of single-cell data with a special focus on immunology and immunotherapy. Her current work includes the characterization of single-cell transcriptomes and clonal expansion of T-cells from B-cell Acute Leukemias (B-ALL) patients following CAR-T therapy.


Marta Casado

PhD Student

Marta obtained a MSc in bioinformatics at the University of Glaskow (UK) after her studies in genetics (AUB, Barcelona). Her work is now centered on the analysis of genetic data to detect SNVs, CNVs and proteins across thousands of single-cells in Myelodisplastic Syndromes. 


Mario Acera

PhD student

Mario has a MSc in Interactive Intelligent Systems and a BSc in Industrial Engineering. His work focuses on the analysis of spatially resolved transcriptomics data and its integration with single-cell genomics. He is interested in the employment and development of deep learning tools that provide further insights in unstructured genomics data.


Aitor Gonzalez

Research Assistant

Aitor is an enthusiastic young researcher and bioinformatician who is now working on the single-cell multimodal analysis of the ambitious Human Pancreas Atlas project. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Genetics and a MSc in Bioinformatics for health sciences.


Jessica Kanglin Li

BSc Intern

Jessica is spending 6 months in our lab to work on the thesis project of her Bachelor’s degree in Bioinformatics. Jessica has demonstrated determination and motivation to work with us in single-cell multiomics and its application to delineate immune response dynamics in patients after immunotherapy or COVID19 vaccination.

Josep Carreras


Research Institute


Ctra de Can Ruti, Camí de les Escoles, s/n, 08916 Badalona, Barcelona

(+34) 93 557 28 00

© Elisabetta Mereu

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